30MarchSunday SchoolEvery Sunday, 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM|1735 East Poplar Avenue, Wynne, AR US 72396More Details
30MarchSunday WorshipEvery Sunday, 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM|1735 East Poplar Avenue, Wynne, AR US 72396More Details
Contact Information Address: 1735 Poplar Ave East Phone/Email:1 (870) 238-3611 Office Hours:Monday-Thursday 8:00AM - 1:00PMContact Us
Service Information Sunday Services: 9:45AM - Sunday School10:45 AM - Worship5:00 PM - Youth and WAM What To Expect:Wynne Presbyterian Church is a warm, friendly, and welcoming community of faith. We invite all who follow Jesus to join us.More About Us